aDvEnTuReS oF *b-StAr*
*... everyone around me is a total stranger...everyone avoids me like a psyched lone ranger...everyone...
((turning japanese, i think i'm turning japanese, i really think so)) ...*

Monday, September 08, 2003

*... "U-SO!" ...*
It's fun to know that I can still argue in Japanese. Maybe not such a good idea if the person you are arguing with is your Japanese teacher, and she keeps calling you a liar.

so I have decided that even though my in-Japan adventures are finished, my post-japan adventures never cease. And thus, for everyone's entertainment and delight, I will be continuing my blog o' adventures, but on another page. More details to come, yo. Stay tuned.

10:13 AM
*a bit o' *britt*

In Niigata City, Japan it is:

* vItAl StAtS: *
* eYeS/hAiR/wEiGhT. brown/reddish?/yes.
* cUrRenT wHeReAbOuTs. back back to cali, cali
* bEdTiMe. my body has decided to forgo sleep for now.
* fOoD. it has also decided it's anti-food.
* pHrAsE. ahh! too many people speaking English!
* mOoD. i feel weird, yo. Like twilight zoney, in another world weird.
* tUnEs. i get to listen to the radio in my car again!
* qUoTe: "whereas i am trying to read in the succession of things presented to me every day the world's intentions towards me, and I grope my way, knowing that there can exist no dictionary that will translate into words the burden of obscure allusions that lurks in these things."

* rAnDoM lIfE rUlE... *
*"One, seven, three, five -- The truth you search for cannot be grasped. As night advances, a bright moon illuminates the whole ocean; the dragon's jewels are found in every wave. Looking for the moon, it is here, in this wave, and in the next." Zen Master Hsueh-tou

* tHiNgS i WiLl MiSs... *
* kaori (kojima) and mariko, kaori (honma), marika and etsuko, setsuko, nakano and sakai (aka "the boys"), kelly, alan
* most of my students
* some of my teachers
* the Shin Ken Kan crew
* my granny bike (a little)
* speaking Japanese
* traveling

* tHiNgS i WoN't MiSs... *
* the staring
* the bus
* being bored outta my gourd
* sleeping on the floor
* the Japanese Way
* secondhand smoke
* the fashion

* jApAn, AkA tHe LaNd oF... *
* "We Don't Believe in Cilantro"
* "We Don't Believe in Towels"
* "Obscurely-Sized Paper"
* "Flouride is Foreign"
* "It's Rude to Eat on the Streets, but it is Perfectly Acceptable to Blow Smoke in your Face"
* "9am is Too Early for Stores to Open"
* "We Just Make the Technology, We Don't Use It"
* "Central Air? Never Heard of It. Central Heating? Nuh-uh. Heated Toilet Seats? Well duh, of course!!"
* "Deodor-what?"
* "Open 24Hrs = 7am - 10pm"
* "Our Knees Don't Freeze"
* "We Want to Speak Like Americans and Look Like Americans and Act Like Americans, But We Don't Actually Like Americans"
* "Hey, Free Beer!"

* lInKs... *




* BIG D's SITE *




* sucka foo TONY's SITE*


* JOHN's industrious SITE*

* Niigata Prefectural Guide
* Niigata City Online
* Niigata mini-dictionary
* Japan Nat'l Tourist Org

* simple...
* not so simple...


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